The streets of cities like New York and Paris burst with energy, color, and movement. At once mundane and extraordinary, they offer photographers of all kinds a rich playground.

Go Street Photo invites you to explore the world of the streets with a camera. Here you’ll find ideas, tips, and tutorials, as well as equipment reviews.

Go Street Photo is curated by a team of friends who enjoy photography, the arts, and destination-less walks. Whatever your interest – street style, street, art, or just plain exploring – join us!

Who is Go Street Photo

Damien Derouene

Founder and Editor

Damien is lifelong photographer with a passion for street photography. He enjoys capturing people in surprising moments, discovering new street art, and accumulating camera collections too large for his urban apartment. From Brittany, France, he lives in Paris and New York.

Michel Poitrenaud

Branding and Contributor

An English professor and design enthusiast, Michel created the branding for Go Street. He enjoys filling shelves with books about London, believing he will have time for reading them someday, and walks with friends and a camera. Michel lives in Paris.

Bianca Gebelin


An avid explorer, Bianca uses photography to better see and understand the world around her. She enjoys long walks with a film camera…and petting other people’s pets along the way. From South Africa and California, she lives in New York.


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